As seen in the map below the north easterlies of the Hadley cell have the most impact on the weather and climate of El Salvador. Because of their location near the equator, these winds are characterized by warm moist air and that is basically what you can expect for the weather in El Salvador. All year round the country stays warm because of its location within this heated wind belt, but precipitation varies with the season. While the summers are relatively dry, the winters here are characterized by lots of rain fall rather then cold weather. These hot winds bring in large amounts of moist air that cause rainfall and thunderstorms in the mountainous and coastal regions but the more moderate temperature of the inland plateau keeps it from experiencing this precipitation as often. This region is characterized by raising air as it heads towards the doldrums and the equatorial low.
Another effect on the winds of El Salvador is the texture of the earth. Countries with mountains often experience, mountain breezes, valley breezes, katabatic winds, eddys , and Chinook winds. The small mountains of El Salvador have enough effect to cause mountain and valley breezes as well as eddys, but strong chinook or katabatic winds are not often experienced here. Additionally because of its coast line, some areas can experience both sea breeze and land breeze conditions. The variation of land in El Salvador allows it to experience a few different winds along with the trade winds that bring about the offshore flow perfect for El Salvador's great waves.