Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Global and Local Winds in El Salvador

With longitudes ranging from 13.1 to 14.4 and latitudes ranging from -90 to -87.9 El Salvador is a relatively small country located in the Northern Hemisphere. El Salvador's location in the Hadley cell puts it in placement to get hit by the same easterly trade winds that Hawaii experiences. Its not near to any major pressure belts because it is right between the high that is usually scene above North America and the low down at the equator. El Salvador isn't very near to any special areas because it lies right in the middle of the trade winds.
 As seen in the map below the north easterlies of the Hadley cell have the most impact on the weather and climate of El Salvador. Because of their location near the equator, these winds are characterized by warm moist air and that is basically what you can expect for the weather in El Salvador. All year round the country stays warm because of its location within this heated wind belt, but precipitation varies with the season. While the summers are relatively dry, the winters here are characterized by lots of rain fall rather then cold weather. These hot winds bring in large amounts of moist air that cause rainfall and thunderstorms in the mountainous and coastal regions but the more moderate temperature of the inland plateau keeps it from experiencing this precipitation as often. This region is characterized by raising air as it heads towards the doldrums and the equatorial low.

Another effect on the winds of El Salvador is the texture of the earth. Countries with mountains often experience, mountain breezes, valley breezes, katabatic winds, eddys , and Chinook winds. The small mountains of El Salvador have enough effect to cause mountain and valley breezes as well as eddys, but strong chinook or katabatic winds are not often experienced here. Additionally because of its coast line, some areas can experience both sea breeze and land breeze conditions. The variation of land in El Salvador allows it to experience a few different winds along with the trade winds that bring about the offshore flow perfect for El Salvador's great waves.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Typical Weather and Tourism in El Salvador

El Salvador is located so close to the equator that the winter solstice isn't to extreme, but it happens every year on the 21st of December. This day is usually quite warm as well compared to mainland America during this time of year with an daily high peaking at 94 degrees and the daily high having a minimum for the month was 88 degrees. And rain will rarely be there to cool you down with a chance of rain usually under 10 percent for this time of year but the majority of the precipitation will come from thunder storms.

On the other side of the calender we find the summer solstice occurring on the 21st of June. This solstice can be a little bit cooler than the winter solstice, but not by much. June averages with daily highs ranging from 93 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hardly any fluctuation from the winter solstice. The main difference is that you are much more likely to get some rain during this solstice with the chance of rain usually between 60 and 70 percent for the month mainly consisting of thunderstorms. 

Next we have the spring equinox occurring and bringing in even hotter weather then the last two. The spring equinox is March 20th which is a time of year marked by some more hot weather. The daily highs were recorded to fluctuate between a max of 96 and the minimum of 89. This also a relatively dry day on average because it is just before the beginning of the rainy season so the chance of rain is around 10 percent most likely in the form of thunderstorms.

The autumn equinox in El Salvador comes once a year on the 23rd of September. The temperatures of this month like the others, are quite high but nothing unusual for this part of the world with a max high of 92 and a min of 83 for the month of September. And much like during the summer solstice this is an extremely wet time of year where you are almost guaranteed rain with an above 70 percent chance of precipitation for the whole month most likely in the form of thunder storms.

If traveling to El Salvador, I recommend to visit between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox because the weather is moderate and relatively dry during this time. If you like being out doors, this is a great place to visit with beautiful hiking in the mountains as well as great water with some amazing waves to surf. This season is the least effected by storms and bad weather so that it why it is a better time to visit, but you have to be ready to deal with the heat. If you need some nature to nurture you, El Salvador is a great place to visit!
