Climate map of Central America from shows the direct solar radiation on on El Salvador as well as the surrounding region. El Salvador has a tropical climate that doesn't very much throughout the country because of the location and size, but is affected mainly by altitude. Because the whole country is along the same latitude and so close to the equator it stays hot year round and the north pacific that lines the whole country keeps the temperature from fluctuating too much and keeps the lower altitudes of the country very warm while the the higher altitudes are less hot. And as for seasons, there are only two hear, the rainy season and the dry season. May - October is considered their winter with most of the rain for the year, making the rest of the year when it is hot and dry, summer.

The capital city never actually reaches freezing with temperatures ranging from 16.3 to 30.8 degrees Celsius last year according to and precipitation ranging from 5 mm to 348 mm. Similar conditions exist all around the country for example the second largest city had temperatures ranging from 17 -29 degrees Celsius this past year according to with rainfall ranging from 0 mm to 105 mm in this area. The climate is relatively similar to that hear in Honolulu HI, but they receive more rain.

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